Bensville is approximately 4.93 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Bensville was 2545. The population is 50% male and 50% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Bensville are $1800 to $2399. The most common weekly income bracket is $1000 to $1249 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $450 to $549.Description
Bensville is a suburb of the Central Coast region of New South Wales, Australia. Bensville is part of the City of Gosford local government area. Bensville, 2251 is 45 kms NE of Sydney and 8 kms South of Central Coast. The main section of Bensville is centred on Kallaroo Road, and consists of a small park, video store, cafe, general store and hairdressers. A small combination of shops have recently been added in 2005. There is a small wharf in Bensville located at the end of Kallaroo Road, which is a popular local fishing spot.