Cluden is approximately 2.67 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Cluden was 427. The population is 55% male and 45% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Cluden are $1800 to $2399. The most common weekly income bracket is $650 to $799 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $275 to $349.Description
Cluden is a southern suburb of the City of Townsville, Queensland, Australia on the city's outskirts. Cluden is a suburb of Northern, Queensland and is about 1105 kms northwest of QLD's capital city of Brisbane. In the 2011 Australian census the population of Cluden was 509 when there were 238 Females and 271 Males living there. The median age for people living in Cluden was 36.Points of Interest