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About Cordeaux Heights


Cordeaux Heights is approximately 3.35 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Cordeaux Heights was 4559. The population is 50% male and 50% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Cordeaux Heights are $1800 to $2399. The most common weekly income bracket is $2000 to $2999 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $350 to $449.


Cordeaux Heights is a suburb of South Coast, New South Wales and is about 72 kms south-southwest of NSW's capital city of Sydney. In the 2011 Australian census the population of Cordeaux Heights was 4,720 when there were 2,335 Females and 2,385 Males living there. The median age for people living in Cordeaux Heights was 33. Cordeaux Heights is a suburb in the city of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. Cordeaux Heights is situated on the eastern foothills of Mount Kembla as is its southern neighbour Farmborough Heights. Its northern boundary of housing is along Cordeaux Road which goes to Mount Kembla Village. Cordeaux Heights has a few shops.

Points of Interest

Figtree Plaza Pharmacy
Figtree Post Office
Figtree Private Hospital
Mt Kembla Hotel
Nan Tien Gratitude Bell
NewDay Church 25 O'Briens Road
NewDay Kids Early Learning Centre 25 O'Briens Road
Pie Face
St Pius X Catholic Primary School 2 Cummins Street
Tesla Supercharger
The Coffee Emporium
Unanderra Community Centre
Unanderra Fire Station
Unanderra Hotel
Unanderra Library
West Illawarra Leagues

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