Gabbadah is approximately 65.35 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Gabbadah was 672. The population is 53% male and 47% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Gabbadah are $2400 to $2999. The most common weekly income bracket is $150 to $299 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $0 to $74.Description
Gabbadah is located in southwest Western Australia and has a population of around 520 (51.8% male, 48.2% female). Around 160 families live in the area and of those 36.3% have one or more children under the age of 15. 4.4% of families have only a single parent while 59.4% of couples have no children. Gabbadah covers an area of approximately 2440 hectares or around 24 square kilometres (km2) (6029 acres). The most common income bracket for people living in Gabbadah is between $150-$249 per week (19.2% of people). 11.0% have no income and high income earners ($2000 or more per week) account for 0.0% of the population.