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  3. PRIMBEE 2502 NSW

About Primbee


Primbee is approximately 3.22 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Primbee was 1640. The population is 51% male and 49% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Primbee are $1800 to $2399. The most common weekly income bracket is $300 to $399 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $350 to $449.


Primbee is a small suburb of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. Primbee is located on the northern spit separating Lake Illawarra and the Pacific Ocean. Primbee is close to Windang and Warrawong in the Illawarra.

Points of Interest

Club Windang
Club Windang
Commercial Hotel
Domino's Pizza Warrawong 67 Cowper Street (Mo-We,Su 11:00-23:00; Th-Sa 11:00-24:00)
Hungry Jack's Burgers Warrawong 86 King Street (Mo-Su 06:00-22:00)
Illawarra Yacht Club
Oporto Warrawong 86 King Street (Mo-Su 10:00-22:00)
Port Kembla Court House
Primbee Post Office 45 Illowra Crescent
St Patrick's Catholic Primary School 44 O'Donnell Street
Starbucks Warrawong
Subway 145-149 King Street (08:00-21:00; Fr,Sa 08:00-21:30)
Thai Garden
Warrawong District Library
Warrawong Library
Warrawong Post Office
Windang Hotel
Windang Post Office 239 Windang Road

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