Warnervale is approximately 12.73 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Warnervale was 641. The population is 51% male and 49% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Warnervale are $1000 to $1399. The most common weekly income bracket is $300 to $399 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $275 to $349.Description
Warnervale is a suburb of Central Coast, New South Wales and is about 73 kms north-northeast of NSW's capital city of Sydney. In the 2011 Australian census the population of Warnervale was 571 when there were 282 Females and 289 Males living there. The median age for people living in Warnervale was 37. Warnervale is a rapidly growing town in the Australian state of New South Wales. It lies west of Tuggerah Lake, a large shallow coastal lake, and just north of Wyong.Points of Interest